Connecting your domain

When you create a new website in Synaps.Media you get a free subdomain to start serving your website, like To use your own domain instead (like, you need to connect this domain to your site.

Connecting domain to your site

  1. Go to and pick the website you want to connect a domain.
  2. Select "Connect new domain" below the domain list.
  3. Write the domain you want to connect, like
  4. If you want to use this domain as your main address, then pick "Use this as main domain". If you don't select it, that will mean this domain will be redirected to your main domain.
  5. Click "Save".
  6. After a successful addition you'll see the domain configuration instructions.
  7. Once you finish the redirection, your new domain will be active.

Picking correct configuration option

To connect your domain to your Synaps.Media website, you have several options. Each option gives opportunities for different needs.

NS Configuration

Connecting your domain by linking NS (Nameserver) addresses to Synaps.Media is the preferred and easiest way for most common people. By pointing NS address to Synaps.Media, you'll set Synaps.Media as the DNS manager, so we'll able to automatically manage needed DNS records for you with the best configuration.

To change your domain NS records, you need to go to admin panel of your domain provider. After picking your domain, you can see where to set your NS records. It can be named as "Nameservers" or "NS Records". Most of the time you'll see a default list of NS addresses from your domain provider. Remove them, add the addresses provided in Synaps Media panel and save the list.

Please keep in mind, updating NS records can take some time, up to 24 hours. Once update is done, you domain will start working with your Synaps.Media site.

Attention: If you have other websites served from this domain, or an email service running on this domain, please use DNS configuration instead of NS Configuration.

DNS Configuration

DNS (Domain Name System) records are used to connect domains to website servers.

To change your domain NS records, you need to go to admin panel of your domain provider. After picking your domain, you can see where to set your DNS records.

There different type of DNS Records. Most commons are "A" Records and "CNAME" records. A records are used for pointing a domain to an IP address. CNAME records res used for pointing a domain to another domain.

Pointing Your Main Domain

For having best possible performance that Synaps Media provides, you need to connect your "main" domain to given Synaps Media domain with a CNAME record. So, if you'll use a domain like and if your Synaps Media domain is, you need to add a CNAME record of "www" to ""

CNAME www =>

Pointing Your Redirect Domain

For a website Synaps.Media, you can only have 1 main domain. Other domains that you add will be redirected to your main domain. This is a common best practice to avoid duplicate content and a poor SEO.

To connect a redirect domain, you need to add an "A" Record. In this case value will be an IP address which is provided in the Synaps Media Panel.


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